Friday, 31 July 2009

Personalized Icons in Gnome-Do

I really like Gnome-Do, but a thing that bugged me was the inability to create an button with a personalized icon.

However, a ... erm... simple/clever/idiot/what-the-hell workaround to do it is:

  1. Remove the item from your dock if its already on there
  2. Add your costumized icon to the Menus (right click on Applications Menu, Edit Menus)
  3. Drag the launcher into the desktop
  4. Restart gnome-do
  5. Ops, the icon is not set properly! Remove it from docky
  6. Drag the icon from the Applications Menu to docky
  7. Restart gnome-do
  8. Celebrate your brand new personalized icon! :)
I followed him but had to improve a bit ;)

Enjoy :

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

ATI Mobility Radeon X1700 and FPS Games

I have to use my personal laptop with Vista for a while... It happens... and one thing that never worked properly was the graphic card, an ATI’s Mobility Radeon™ X1700 .

To get it working properly with my FPS games (Enemy Territory and Quake Wars), I had to follow this tutorial.

Monday, 13 July 2009

New Punkbuster

After like 100years without updates, last month Punkbuster released an update.

To sort it out with Ubuntu, just do:

cd [et-install-directory]/pb
chmod u+x pbweb.x86
cp pbweb.x86 ~/.etwolf/pb/
cd ~/.etwolf/pb/