Thursday, 18 June 2009

My personal hate...

At work, it is convenient to lock your screen when you are afk for a while. Thank God, for gnome-screensaver with the lock option....

But it just had to be buggy in Ubunty 9.04..... There was no way to unlock the screen... The solution was simple and stupid and took 3 people to find it out ... And some more bugs in gnome-screensaver... :(

Here I found the solution ...


Monday, 15 June 2009

Amarok and Jaunty

Yeah... my new laptop at work has Ubuntu 9.04... and it doesn't seem to like a lot of stuff, including the new Amarok 2.0.# (Which is very fancy, btw)

Amarok returned no sound and after googling a bit and trying the solutions in the Ubuntu Forums, I decided to try the previous version of Amarok, 1.4.n. And guess what, it works! :)

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

So cute, but wroooong!

New lappy at work, 64bits machine and BAM! Ubuntu 9.04 64bit installed here...
First (of many problems to come....)

Skype doesnt allow avatar changing...
Solution here
