I have been using Matlab at work for some time now.
However only know I am starting to do GUIs (aka, Graphical User Interfaces). You can start using a kane, i.e., use guide from Matlab to assist you designing your GUI. But there will come a time when you'll need more.
In this blog I have found a good way to start a GUI from square one and this gentlemen provides a good example.
This post from Ubuntu Forums was referenced to me and summons up the problems that surround ATI drivers and the new and likeable Jaunty release from Ubuntu.
If PB kicks you "by game violation integrity" then go to $INSTALATION_PATH_FOR_ET/pb/ and run pbweb.x86. Then go to your $HOME and do rm -fr .etwolf/pb (to clean previous pb files). Recreate it (mkdir .etwolf/pb) and copy your files from $INSTALATION_PATH_FOR_ET/pb/ to that directory. Then run pbweb.x86 again there.
Some ATI cards have some issues with Quake games. If you get flashes when running ET, then you have to disable compiz before running the game. Do metacity --replace & before running ET and after it, do compiz --replace &. I don't know how NVIDIA cards behave regarding to this.
You can always patch these things together in a small script, like:
Recently a new version of Ubuntu has been released here.
Usually there are some things you should do after a fresh instalation of Ubuntu. Here I have found an extensive list of things to do and from them I've compiled my own list. Here goes:
1. Tools for compiling from sources sudo aptitude install build-essential checkinstall cdbs devscripts dh-make fakeroot libxml-parser-perl check avahi-daemon
7. Music player. If you don't like VLC to manage your music library, I found that Amarok is the best program to use. I've also tried Exaile and Rythmbox, but Amarok presented the best case :) sudo aptitude install amarok amarok-engine-xine amarok-engine-yauap amarok-engines amarok-common
11. Gnome Do. Been using it for over a year now, but with the Jaunty I discovered the Docky-Gnome-Do. Goodbye cairo-dock and AWN and hello docky :) sudo aptitude install gnome-do
I add to the list the following apps:
12. Geany. A very powerfull program. I recommend it for coding. sudo aptitude install geany
13. Skype you can either add the repositoires to /etc/apt/sources.list or get it from here
14. Picasa The perfect program for newbies to keep our photo galeries updated and do some corrections on our shots. Get Picasa from here